RESET for Good

Changemakers, you deserve a RESET.

RESET your space so you can continue your transformational work.

At RESET, we believe that the real changemakers are those doing the work out in our communities—activists fighting for progress, community organizers rallying for change, Black female entrepreneurs making a go in a system that is stacked against them—and we want to support these changemakers.

We also believe in the transformational power of a decluttered, organized space, and how it allows you to more deeply and meaningfully focus on what matters—your work, your community, you. That’s why, through the RESET for Good program, we work with changemakers to RESET a space, free of charge. (Because your “payment” is the tireless work you do for our community…and also because we believe that you just f-ing deserve it.)

RESET for Good Program Details

  • Open to activists, community organizers, female entrepreneurs, and teachers from title 1 schools, who identify as BIPOC and live in San Diego County.

  • If selected, we’ll have an initial consultation (~45 minutes via phone or in-person) to get to know one another, get a sense of your RESET needs, provide more details on the RESET process, and determine which space to RESET—maybe it’s your kitchen because that’s the hub of your home, perhaps it’s your bedroom because you need to make that a more serene space, or maybe it’s your living room because it also serves as your home office.

  • Then we’ll book 1-2 RESET sessions (3-4 hours each), depending on the size of the project. During our sessions, we’ll work together, following the standard RESET process, to transform your space.

  • If you’re interested in a RESET for Good, click the button below to submit the quick interest form. We know you’re busy, so it’s really short — promise! We review all forms, and will follow-up within 2 weeks to let you know if we’re able to take on your project.

  • Have questions or want to chat before you submit the form? Send us a note.